I was interested in wireless security since I have read some articles in “Xakep” magazine several years ago. They were saying “Most wireless networks are vulnerable and can be cracked within a day”. It was quite embarrassing that such a security threat can exist and really wanted to check whether it was true or not. Those years I did not not have any piece of needed experience. The task to crash test WEP stayed in my mind for years. Recently I have tried it.
All material is presented for educational purposes only. Do not apply this material’s guidelines in real life on real networks. Especially the ones, which do not belong to you.
This in not a how-to. This is a description of my experience. I do not guarantee, that process and steps, described here, will be applicable in your case and that it will work for you as well as it worked for me. I am not in charge of your failures.
System used.
I have used HP laptop with Intel 3945 wifi card installed, powered by fedora 10.
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