Yesterday I digested learning C++ as a new language paper by Bjarne Stroustrup. I am looking for a “correct” approach to learn programming. Programming science is giant mastodon. Programming is so huge system that it can’t be observed completely even after years of research. There are no professionals, who know all kinds of programming. Even old specialists with several areas of expertise observe only piece of puzzle. My target is to find universal guide into all, or at least most kinds of programming. A guide, that observes the whole mastodon and popularly describes every part of it.
However, the paper was not about my search. The paper is a good introduction into C++. It does not describe syntax of language, but provides a manual, guiding where and how to start learning the language. I noted, that those advises do not apply to C++ only, but applicable for any programming language. The paper is highly recommended to students, who are completely new to programming, as well as to teachers, creating their teaching programs.
I want to note, that if my teachers trained me according Stroustrup’s advises, educational effect would be higher. At least, i wouldn’t have had to discover a difference between standard library and language syntax myself. So if you are not satisfied by your teachers. but not sure where to start this paper is for you.