Book is good guide for CCNA security exam preparation. It introduces you into First and third parts are easily readable and perfectly understandable, second part is not. Second part is really bad – it covers basics of 5 unrelated topics and covers them poorly. However, I can not blame the book – most likely it’s been dictated by exam topics.
Generally, the book is comprehensive guide for IINS exam preparation. I would recommend it to everybody who is willing to take the exam regardless of reader’s background expertise. For ones, who does not want to take the exam, but wants to use it for self education, below is the list of topic and my opinion about their coverage level.
Book covers Well:
– Firewalls theory and technologies
– Cryptography technologies, hashing and PKI organization
– Network security attacks theory
– Switch port security and EAPOL
Book covers poorly:
– Endpoint security
– VPN tunnels
– SAN security
– VoIP security
– Firewall applications: Zone-based and CBAC