There is no way to share files between end-users without a server. You have to share a file somewhere on a server. Even torrents require a tracker. I want to have an opportunity to let someone download a file I have. in a current situation I have to either share it somewhere, either email it, or my PC a server. Every way is too complicated.
There is no standard on RSS feed entries formatting and rendering. It’s somehow HTML and CSS, but since there are many kinds of feed aggregators, they all render HTML-in-XML differently. Also, there is no way to apply proper JS to RSS entry, because there is no proper DOM support and no specification for a RSS reader opportunities as well as rendering rules.
There is no way to download several files by a single click. You have to either click every file’s URL, either download a single archive with multiple files inside. URL does not support including several files in a single hyperlink. This architecture lays in an architecture of a very first designs of web.
If you know any desired feature, web does not yet support, feel free to share your thoughts.